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Best Team of the Month
Dear All,
It has been observed that some of the team member are not achieving minimum out at site. and some of them are working very good. So to inspire the team member, Raynas Management has introduced the Best team of the month Scheme. Every Month team of two Person will be selected.
Best Team Member of Sept 2023
1. Rs. 5000 for each mamber for 100 marks,
2. Rs 4000 for 80 too 99 Mark,
3. Rs 3000 60 to 79 marks,
4. Rs 2000 for 40 to 59 Marks
5. Rs 0 for below 40 marks.
Story of Team Member:
Congratulation! Mr Razi, You did 4000meter GPR survey in Single days, at Kolkata Projects. So your Salary increase by Rs. 2000, from Oct May 24. and You will get the benifit of this policy from today onward .
Selection Critaria
Output: The team who achived meximum Work with safety. 20 Marks
Decipline and Safety Policy as Per HSE: The team whoes member will follow the company safety policy, code of conduct and ethics. 20 Marks
Minimum Site Expences: Minumum site expences team will be selected for Best Team of the Month. 20 Marks
Skill Evaluvation: Working Knowledge of Survey. 5 question about Machine will be asked. 20 Marks
Boss Recomandation: This will be based on Your manger recomendation 20 Marks
1. This will affcet your per days Expencex, best team will get 300/days expenses or actuals less than 300 for that month.
2. This will affect your salary hike also.